Add a Service Order Manually
Normally Service Orders are imported from existing Points-of-Sale systems. But they may be also be manually added. It is possible to add one Service Order at a time.
How do I add a Service Order manually?

2. In the New Service Order screen, enter the data in the appropriate boxes. The first section is the Job Details section with 4 boxes in it for data to be filled.
- The Order # needs to be entered mandatorily. Take care not to enter an Order Number that has already been assigned, because if you do, you get an error message while trying to save the Order after all the details have been entered.
- The Service Type box also is a mandatory entry. It is a drop-down box with the default option being Delivery, but you may choose from Delivery, Order, Exchange, Return & Pickup, depending on the type of service. Since it is a drop-down box, no other Service Type can be manually entered here.
- The COD (Cash On Delivery) box is meant for entering the amount, in dollars, of the cash that the customer is going to handover to the driver at the end of the Service.
- The Order Detail box is used to enter details of the Order. This is not to be confused with the Order Items Description for which there is a different box at the bottom of the screen to describe each Line Item in the Order.

3. The next section is the Customer section with 12 boxes under it
- The Name box is meant for the name of the customer.
- The Service Type box also is a mandatory entry. It is a drop-down box with the default option being Delivery, but you may choose from Delivery, Order, Exchange, Return & Pickup, depending on the type of service. Since it is a drop-down box, no other Service Type can be manually entered here.
- The Email box is meant for entering the email, if it has been given by the customer. It is a good practice to be procuring the email addresses of customers - it helps in sending them the Schedule Email which is a mail that gives the customers details about their Order and the service. It also helps in sending them an email survey at the end of the service, if they opt to fill in the email survey instead of receiving a phone survey or having to take the survey on the driver’s mobile device.
- Then there are three boxes for Phone numbers : Phone 1, Phone 2 and Phone 3. Phone 1 is a mandatory entry. The customer’s phone number is entered here. Up to two other alternate phone numbers may be added in the Phone 2 and Phone 3 boxes. The advantage of procuring alternate phone numbers are many : if the customer is unreachable on the primary phone line Phone 1, they may be contacted in the alternate numbers. Also, the automated calling system which is used to call up the customer to inform them of the service that is due to them, first calls up the number in Phone 1. In the event that it isn’t answered and reaches a voice mail, it leaves the pre-defined and customized voicemail message following which it calls up the number in Phone 2. The same procedure is repeated if the call is not answered and the number in Phone 3 is called up. Apart from the pre-service call the same procedure is followed if the customer has opted for phone survey at the end of the service.
- The next box is a drop-down called Call Status. The default option is Not Called but you may choose from Not Called, Voicemail, No Response, No Answer, Call Failed, Manually Confirmed, Manually Rescheduled, depending on the actual call status. If the customer has been called up to inform them of the due service, the resulting response is what is entered in this box.
- The Call Status Note box is used to enter any details that the customer may have given while being spoken to, on the call.
- The next couple of boxes are the Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 boxes. If the Address is a pretty long one, it may be divided between the two boxes. Typically, the house #, apartment # etc are entered in the Address Line 1 box and the Street Name (such and such Road or such and such Avenue etc.) is entered in Address Line 2 box. While Address Line 1 is a mandatory entry, Address Line 2 is not.
- The next box is the City box where the name of the City or Town is entered.
- The next box is the State box in which the State name is entered in the short form (such as NY or CA)
- The last box in this section is the Zip box in which the Zip code is entered. Although this entry is not mandatory, it is recommended that it be entered always. This is what helps in locating the address in the map adjacent to this section.
- The Verify Address link is used to begin locating the address on the Map in the right side. The map gets updated to show the pin pointing to the specified address.

4. The next section is the Date & Times section. There are 6 boxes under it.
- The Request box is a Date box in which the date specified by the customer for the service (the Request Date or Delivery Date) is entered.
- The From and To boxes is meant for the time window specified by the customer as convenient for the service.
- The Service Time box is used to enter the estimated duration of the service (in minutes)
- The Amount box is used to fill the value of the Order, in dollars. It is not a mandatory field. It gets populated in any case when the Amount is specified in the Amount column under the box Order Items towards the bottom of the screen.
- The last box in this section is the Pieces box. The number of pieces of merchandize in this particular Order is specified here.
The next section is Additional Details. Under this, there is only one box called Route Label. If a name needs to be assigned to the Route, it can be specified here.

5. he next section is the Order Items section. Under it, the Line Item details are specified.
- The Description of an Item is to be entered under the Description column.
- In the Location column, the name or number of the location of the warehouse/store is entered.
- The Stock-Keeping Unit number is entered in the SKU column.
- The number of units of this Line Item is entered in the Quantity column.
- The Amount (in $) of a single unit of this Line Item is entered in the Amount column.
- The Volume of the Line Item is entered in the Volume column.
- The duration of the service is entered in the Service Time column. If more Line Items are to be added, the + button next to the Line Item is clicked. One more line gets added in which the same procedure may be repeated to add more Line Items.

Your Service Order entry page would look similar to this once you’re done with entering the data:
6. Click on the “Save” button to save the entered details Click on the “Save & Dispatch” button to assign a Service Unit, service date and be taken to the Service Unit screen to further modify the Order and/or Save the newly added Order
If more than one Order is to be added for the same day to the same customer, irrespective of service type, you need to select the Customer from the Customer tab, click on the Create Service Order button and create a new Service Order. When this is done, it may noticed that the Orders are ‘grouped’, meaning that the same Service Unit will be servicing that customer.