
The Pre-Routing link is used to customize and configure the messaging that goes out to the customers from the automated calling method before an Order is scheduled. Once an Order has been received from a customer, just before scheduling the Order for the due delivery or service for a particular day, one may trigger an automated call, called Pre-Routing, which contains text asking the customer if the Order may be proceeded with, in terms of scheduling it. Ideally this automated call is triggered about 3 days prior to the actual date of delivery.

A very important point to be noted is that this message is customizable at any point in time and anybody with access to the Admin tab (i.e., personnel with Admin role) would be able to edit the content. The tags that you see below each box may be used to customize the message. Of course, when the actual message is read out, the tags get translated to the actual.

In the 'Introduction:' box, enter the content that the customer would be greeted with, when the automated call is triggered. Typically it lets the customer know who the call is from.

In the 'Customer Prompt:' box, the customer is informed that there is a delivery appointment for such and such date at such and such time. If required, the address may be read out as well.

In the 'Confirmation Prompt:' box, the customer is told that if the Order may be gone ahead with for further processing (scheduling), "Press 1". There is no need to enter the words "Press 1". Notice that to the right side of the box, you see the words "Press 1".

In the 'Callback Prompt:' box, the customer is given the message that if they need to reschedule the Order (in terms of changing the date or the address), "Press 2". Again, as earlier, there is no need to enter the words "Press 2". Notice that to the right side of the box, you see the words "Press 2".

In the 'Sign-Off Message box:', one usually thanks the customers for choosing to do business with them.

Now, if the customer doesn't pick the call when the automated call is triggered, and the call goes to the voicemail, the content that needs to be read out is keyed in, in the 'Voicemail Message:' box. Usually it is a summary of all of the above boxes, along with the number provided to call back the store in case they need to.

In the 'Call Back Phone Number:' box, the number of the store (which has hitherto been used to call up customers manually) is entered. Of course, when the Customer Notification feature is enabled, this number has to be given to the DispatchTrack personnel you're speaking with, in order to add it to our records and, of course, to enable the feature.

In the 'Caller ID:' box, the same number as above, needs to be entered so that the customers get to see on their phones, who the call is coming from, and, if they're familiar with your number, would be able to identify it.

A selection may be made between a Female voice and a Male voice. Typically, for Schedule Call, a Female voice is chosen.

All this done, the Save button needs to be clicked, in order to save the changes.

Note : The actual triggering of the call is done from the Notification Tab. The Orders for which the Pre-Routing call needs to be triggered are selected by placing a check mark in the respective checkboxes and clicking on the Call button at the bottom of the screen. All the customers are called simultaneously at their respective numbers and the message read out to them with their corresponding data in it (their address, their date and time of delivery etc.).