Business Settings

Business Settings is used to define a few setting unique to your Business. This is where you can upload a logo of your Business. As explained there, the logo, if uploaded can be seen in Load Reports, Delivery Reports, in printouts of the Manifest, in the Track Widget that your customers may use if implemented in your business' website, to track their Order, in email surveys if the customer has opted to take the survey via email rather than on the driver's mobile device, etc.

The logo has got to be of a certain specification though : 202 px wide and 63 px high, to ensure that the image doesn't appear skewed. Click on the Browse button and specify the path of the file (preferably a .png file, for highest resolution). Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes.

The 'Import Locked?' checkbox is used to unlock the lock that may have gotten put while importing data from a POS system. While importing data from a POS system, if more than one user has simultaneously tried to upload data to DispatchTrack, the database imposes a lock ensuring further data doesn't come in. The result is, if somebody tries to import data in to DispatchTrack, it gives a message that the import has been locked and puts a check mark in the Import Locked checkbox. At such times, one may come in here and remove the check mark to unlock the imposed lock and be able to import data.

The 'Attach Images to Receipt?' checkbox is used to enable or disable the ability to attach images taken at a customer's location of the installed items to the Delivery Receipt, while sending the Delivery Receipt from the driver's mobile device. Putting a check mark in the checkbox ensures that when the driver, after having installed the items and having obtained the customer's signature, pushes the Send Receipt button if the customer requests for a receipt, the images if any that have been taken go in the Delivery Receipt.

The 'Notification from Email :' box is used to specify the email address that will be seen as the 'From' address when emails are triggered. Now, these emails could be email surveys, Delivery Receipts etc.

After making the required changes, do not forget to click on the Save button to save the changes.