Route Locations

Route Locations : Route Locations are used to define an address that will then be shown on the Routing map. TyPically, locations important to the business such as a Pick-up store or a warehouse location etc., are defined in Route Locations.

1. Click on the New button.

2. In the window that opens up, populate the fields. Select the Yes button if you want it to be shown on the Routing map. Click on the Verify Address button to resolve the address in the map and to ensure that it shows at the correct place (it defaults to your business address otherwise). Finally click on the Save button.

3. Go to your Routing tab and confirm that you see the newly defined Route Location there.

Note: Remember, this option is not used to route your trucks to that location - it is just meant to be seen on the map so that you may get an idea about how distant it is from a customer location or from the route path. A decision may then be made whether or not to include this location in the actual route, while routing.